Best Time To Start A Supplemental Feeding Program

Written by Keith Warren, The High Road
As we are nearing the end of the deer season, many hunters are continually frustrated with not seeing what they were hoping to see. This is when I’m asked, “When is the best time to start a supplemental feeding program”.
No matter what time of year it is, my answer is the same – NOW. But, before you start your supplemental feeding program, there are some things you should be aware of and be willing to accept; otherwise you may fall off the program.
Supplemental feeding for deer takes commitment. I compare it to a good diet and exercise program for humans. The more you are committed to a diet/exercise program, the more you will succeed, the longer you succeed and the more likely you will stay on the program.
In regards to humans, what kind of results can you expect when you start on a diet/exercise program and how soon will you notice them? It all depends upon how committed you are to the program. If you are dedicated to staying on a program for human health, then you will be the first person to notice a change in your body and behavior. Then, at some point, others will start noticing the improvement that you are experiencing. When others start noticing a change in you due to an improved diet/exercise program, it will help keep you motivated to continue.
It’s the same way when you begin a supplemental feeding program for deer. At first, you will invest time and money into the program and hope to see immediate results. We live in a world where everyone wants things immediately. However, when it comes to supplemental feeding deer, it takes a while before you see improvement. And when you do finally see improvement, it will help motivate you to continue feeding. Realistically, I tell people that it will take a year for them to actually notice an improvement. If you give it a full year AND you are doing things right, you will see a difference. And when you can actually see where you are compared to where you were, it will help solidify your commitment to stay on the program.
My best advice for anyone looking to start supplemental feeding deer is to come up with your plan and stick to it. Realize that the amount of feed deer will consume will vary depending upon the condition of the native habitat. You’ll notice that after a wet period, consumption will drop off as Mother Nature provides new growth of weeds and forbs for deer to eat. But in dry time, consumption will go up, as there is less native forage for the deer in the pasture. Keep a record of what you are seeing when filling feeders as well as on trail cam pics.
So back to the original question – when is the best time of year to start supplemental feeding deer? Now truly is the most important time. During post rut, bucks need the extra nutrition as they are run down from chasing does and fighting for breeding rights. Bucks can loose 20% or more of their body weight and must recover quickly to have the best chances of improving body condition and growing a large set of antlers for the next season.
Budgeting for your supplemental feeding program is important too, so don’t forget to plan for it.